Welcome to Universidad de La Frontera

About UFRO

Established in 1981, Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO) is recognized as one of the leading accredited, autonomous state owned Universities in the South of Chile. UFRO prides itself in providing its students with high quality educational undergraduate and graduate programs designed to complete in today´s global marketplace.

Our mission is to contribute to the development of the Region and the country through the creation and dissemination of knowledge, the education and training of professionals and postgraduates, and fostering of the arts and culture. With its main Campus located in Temuco, the capital of the Araucanía Region, UFRO is committed to quality and innovation, respect for human dignity, caring for the environment, cultural diversity and creating a fair society. We also offer technical programs in our other two Campuses located in the cities of Angol and Pucón.

Internationally Recognized

The University´s reach extends beyond our frontiers! We partner with highly reputable Higher Education Institutions and Research Centers nationally and internationally to bring together a diverse range of study and research opportunities for all prospective and current undergraduate and graduate students. Our university is accredited by the Chilean National Accreditation Commission as well as most of our undergraduate and graduate programs.


 Andrés Bello Campus

Studying and Researching at UFRO

With over 9,000 students enrolled in our undergraduate and graduate programs through our 6 Faculties:Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering and Science, Natural Resources, Law and Business, and Education and Social Sciences, we offer 45 undergraduate programs, 9 Ph.D., 31 Masters and 32 Specialties graduate programs. We have 6 Research Institutes, 3 Excellence Centers and 2 Scientific Nodes, which works with recognized top researchers through our international networks. With over 200 faculty members, UFRO is one of Chile´s 10 best Universities and one the fastest growing in research publication´s rate.

At UFRO, you will be a member of a vibrant community of students, lecturers, researchers, and staff willing to make your stay at our University a personally inspiring and academically rewarding experience. We offer to our growing student population the highest standards of teaching, a rich and diverse curriculum and many possibilities for academic growth.

Undergraduate programs

Our undergraduate programs vary in duration from five (5) to six (6) years. Our lecturers and researchers care passionate about their students and provide them with professional support. We have established a reputation for providing a caring administrative staff and a strong technical team who are dedicated to student success.

Graduate programs

Masters’ programs offered from UFRO are designed to prepare students to advance professionally, develop research, decision-making and analytical skills. Doctorate´s programs are designed to prepare the next generation of leading researchers in several fields of knowledge. The cornerstone of the doctoral experience at UFRO is the research apprenticeship that all students undertake under the guidance of their thesis advisor from UFRO faculty or from one faculty from another country for programs with double-thesis advisors. Our graduate students actively participating in the research of our faculty and develop the skill-set they need to undertake outstanding research of their own.  Master´s and Doctoral´s degree programs at UFRO are organized under academic area committees.